

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Love Signs

Hey BPM Fans!
Mercy here again with another project that is sure to brighten a room, wall, or shared area.  
Many chain stores as well as online outlets, have a variety of compressed wood pieces that are perfect for decorating.  In my example, the Love sign was found in the holiday section of Dollar Tree. 
 It's smooth porous surface is great for inking, stamping, collage, and general altering. 
Really, the sky's the limit with these forms and stamping with permanent ink really showed up remarkably well.

Steampunk themed stamps were used for this project, however any themed stamps would look really great on them for a variety of rooms, seasons and uses. 

Dylusions Inks: Yellow and Red
Composite Wood Sign
Permanent Archival Black Ink
Vintage Gold Wax by Prima
Post-it Notes
Inexpensive Sponges


1. Spray lightly at the top of your composite sign some of your yellow ink.  Use the sponge to rub in ink, and wipe off, pulling the yellow down the letters.  Dab any excess yellow ink to some scrap papers to reuse later.  Once the yellow is dry, spritz the bottom of each letter lightly, blending with the same sponge the ink there, pulling the red up into the yellow.  Intermingle the inks for a rainbow like affect from the top of each letter, down to the bottom.  Allow to dry.

2. Organize each of the stamps to figure out the best layout for each to be added to the letters.  Try to visualize where the best placements are along the letters for each image. In this case, the stamps were flipped over for spacing, arranged by size as well as theme, making sure as much of the image would be shown on the letters.  Once you decide on best placements, move the stamps off the sign so that you know exactly where to stamp each on the project.

3.  Ink up your stamps with the black archival pad, making sure the stamp is completely covered in it.  It's important to make sure all the stamps, before you stamp, are inked evenly since you have one chance to really get this right.  Once confident the stamp is loaded perfectly, carefully stamp directly on the letters.

4. Stamp all the images to the surface, making sure not to overlap.  If you want overlap or layering, use the post-it notes and mask off the images you wish to protect as the top layer image.

5. Once all the inks are dry and surface is completely decorated, use Vintage Gold wax and apply to all the edges.

Check to see that everything is dry to touch before hanging on a door, standing on a table, or wherever you are needing a little love.

Looking for more Inspiration? Click the links below!

More ideas & crafts by Mercy

Want an extra 15% off on your next order? Use this code on your order! Good until June 1, 2019. BPMDtMercy2019

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Clever place to find cool substrates. Thanks Mercy!


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